
Purpose and Function

Dental inlays and onlays can be made from various materials such as porcelain, gold, composite, or ceramic resin. However, atEncino Dental Esthetics, we prefer using porcelain due to its strength and ability to match the natural color of your tooth. We strive to provide our patients with the best dental technology options available.

Similar to a filling, a dental inlay or onlay is placed inside the cusp tips of the tooth. These custom-made restorations are then cemented into the prepared cavity. Dental onlays, on the other hand, are more extensive reconstructions that cover one or more cusps of a tooth. They are recommended for situations that require significant restoration while conserving more of the tooth structure compared to a crown placement.

At Encino Dental Esthetics, we offer the convenience of designing and placing dental inlays and onlays in just one appointment. In the past, patients would have required two separate appointments for these procedures. However, thanks to Dr. Kaivan Kiai utilization of CEREC technology (CAD-CAM), we can now complete everything in a single visit.

There are numerous advantages to opting for a dental inlay or onlay, including:

  • Highly esthetic
  • No metal shows
  • Strong bonding to tooth
  • Well-sealed tooth achieved
  • Stain-resistant
  • Provides good insulation to the tooth
  • Suitable for large cavities
  • Long-lasting

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